Barbara Prime
Fuzzy Mitten was started by me and my husband in 2006. I design the toys, write the patterns, do the photography, and run my web-shops, while my husband helps with all the other technical parts I haven’t learned yet.
In the beginning, I made knitted toys to sell, but quickly realized the benefits of publishing my designs. I also discovered how much I love helping other people create their own cute toys!
Fuzzy Mitten was originally intended to fill time between gardening jobs. However, over the years it grew into my full-time career.
These days I devote all my time to designing, rather than making toys to sell. I am mainly self-published, with an additional handful of patterns created for craft magazines and other knitting pattern sources.
If you'd like to contact me directly, email me at!

What skills are required for an experienced-beginner pattern?This level of pattern requires the following knitting stitches/skills: casting on (I always use long-tail, but you may use your preference), binding/casting off, knit, purl, stockinette stitch, garter stitch, right and left leaning decreases (k2tog, ssk), centered double-decrease (s2kp), increases made between stitches (m1), yarn over (yo), changing yarn colours at the beginning of a row, sewing seams with mattress stitch, picking up stitches along a finished edge. All patterns labeled as experienced-beginner are knit flat. Occasionally, I have labeled patterns as experienced-beginner when they require skills beyond those listed above. This is because certain patterns can be easily modified to be simpler (for example, omitting a section of intarsia), or are a good way to learn these new skills and help you access more advanced patterns. Toys are small and quick to make, so they're a very good way to practice any skills that are new to you. For any skills that you need to learn, there are many tutorials available online, with a quick search.
What skills are required for an intermediate pattern?Intermediate patterns require all the skills listed for experienced-beginners, plus the following: bobbles, intarsia, other forms of increasing stitches (for example, kfb), simple lace patterns, casting on at the end or in the middle of a row, I-cord (cord made on double-pointed needles), knitting in the round on double-pointed or circular needles, and short-rows (usually wrap and turn technique). Not all of my intermediate patterns require all of these skills. I have tried to list the important ones in the pattern descriptions, but if you need more details, please contact me.
What skills are required for an advanced pattern?Advanced patterns only require you to know how to work stranded colourwork patterns, beyond the skills listed for experienced-beginner and intermediate levels. However, the patterns using this technique could be knit without the colourwork, if you prefer.
Where do I find the stitch descriptions for each pattern?At the end of each pattern you’ll find a list of the stitch abbreviations I use. While I have made the stitch descriptions as detailed as seems necessary, it’s not within the scope of a single pattern to explain all of these skills in full. If you need more information about a particular stitch, there are many tutorials available online, or you may contact me.
How do I get help with a problem I’m having with your knitting pattern?There are a few ways to get help with my knitting patterns. 1. You can try checking my tutorials, in case I have already made a post about your specific issue. 2. If you have time to wait for a reply (I generally reply to pattern questions 1-2 times a week), email me with the details of the problem. I need to know the pattern name, what exactly isn’t working the way you expect, and photos if you think that will help. 3. Finally, the forums in my Ravelry group may be able to help you, or may already contain a discussion of the issue you’re having. They’re also a good place to find useful tips and ideas for making knitted toys. Please note: you need a Ravelry account to visit that page.
How do I make my toy look exactly like the one in the pattern?If you want to exactly recreate a toy from one of my patterns, I will provide all the details I can about the yarns and techniques I used. Please understand, though, that some of the pattern samples were knit many years ago. I may not remember exact details, and some yarns may no longer be available, or were custom dyed for that item.
I saw a super cute toy made from one of your patterns! Can you help me make something similar?I know that knitters love to share photos of the cute toys they make, and I’m so happy when they link back to my patterns. However, my patterns are easy to modify and many of the outfits are interchangeable, so it may be hard for you to know how to recreate the particular toy you saw. If you cannot contact the maker to help you, please contact me, and make sure to include a link or a photo of the toy you saw. I will do my best to figure out what patterns were used, and share any other details which might help.
How often do you publish new toy designs?Currently, I am trying to publish three new designs per year. I usually try to time these seasonally for Fall, Winter, and Spring. All new designs are announced on my blog and on various social media platforms. However, I have a wide selection of existing designs, many of which can be modified if you’re feeling creative! Please contact me if you need my help with modifying one of my designs.
How do I get an updated version of an older knitting pattern, or replace a pattern for which I lost the file?"The easiest way for me to help you update or replace a pattern is to email me from the address you used to purchase the pattern (so I can look up your purchase), or forward me either the original receipt or some other proof of purchase. Usually, I will then send you a link to download the new pattern. If you prefer for me to just email the digital file, please let me know in your message (and remember to check your junk mail folder, in case the attachment sends my reply there).
Do you sell printed copies of your patterns, or only digital?"I don’t sell printed copies of my patterns because of the extra printing and shipping expense it would cost you. And unlike the post, digital downloads are instant. In addition, I can easily send new copies of a digital pattern if you need them, while this is harder and more costly with printed patterns.
Can I sell the toys I make from your patterns?The toys that you make from Fuzzy Mitten™ patterns are yours, and you are free to do whatever you like with them. I don't mind if you sell your creations — in fact, it's totally encouraged! There's only a couple of small caveats: 1. you may not use "Fuzzy Mitten" in the name of your toy (because "Fuzzy Mitten" is a trademark). In other words, it's perfectly okay to make and sell a "Jane Bobbin's Teddy Bear" or a "Jake Bobbin's Easter Bunny," but making and selling a "Fuzzy Mitten's Teddy Bear" is not. 2. on the other hand, you are welcome to mention somewhere in the description of your toy that it was "made from a Fuzzy Mitten™ original design," and I would like it very much if you do! Please check out this blog post for more tips, and some cute labels for your toys. If you're making and selling toys made from Fuzzy Mitten patterns, feel free to let me know, so I can mention it on social media. I also keep a list of knitters willing to take custom orders for toys, because I don’t have time to knit these myself.
Can I use one of your patterns to teach a knitting class, or to make kits with my own yarn?"I am quite happy for you to use my knitting patterns in these ways. In order to write a license for either use, I will need to know your business name, which patterns you want, how many copies you will need, and when you will be using them. In the case of a free pattern, there is no charge for the license. In the case of a paid pattern, we will discuss the wholesale cost per pattern copy.
Am I allowed to share your knitting patterns after I purchase them?Feel free to share the patterns among your friends. All of the following is perfectly fine with me: 1. making copies for your knitting buddies 2. bringing the patterns to your knitting group (and making enough copies for everyone who wants one!) 3. emailing the patterns to your knitting friends Everyone does that already, so please do not feel guilty if you have done it before. Most of that falls under fair use, anyway. However, I would ask you not to do any of the following: 1. please do not put the patterns on a website where anyone can download them (unless I have first given my permission) 2. please do not sell copies of the patterns (but if you are interested in selling them, we may be able to arrange that, too!) Basically, we ask that you treat our patterns as you would pictures of your family. Perfectly fine to share them with your close friends, but you probably wouldn't give them out to total strangers on the street.
Do you make toys for sale or take custom orders?These days, all my time is taken up with designing new toys, so I haven't time to make finished toys for sale. However, I may be able to put you in contact with another knitter who accepts custom orders. Once you’re in contact with an acceptable knitter, you will deal solely with them regarding all the details, payment etc.